Tag: Deanna Tunks

Population Survey 1956
Population Survey 1956

During Operation Bootstrap, Eatonville looked at itself closely to identify  ways it could improve itself to bring in businesses.

Here is information on how the house-t0-house Population Survey would be handled in  of 1956.

It reads . . .

Population Survey

At the September meeting of the Eatonville Planning Commission it was decided to start the Population Survey as early as possible. On October 8, 1956, Mr. Poole, of the Pierce County Planning Commission, met at Eatonville High School and instructed the following ladies, who had been asked to drive their cars and assist in this house-to-house canvas.

Mrs. Cecil Jordan was in charge, assisted by Mrs. Don Nevitt. The ladies driving cards were the Mesdames George Smallwood, Louis Daniel, Frances Plotner, Hilton Heit, Robert Allison, Mark Carew, Ernie Jones, Floyd Larkin, Preston Parrish, Joseph Larin and Cecil Jordan.

Mr. Poole brought out forms and maps of Eatonville, and these were all divided with each lady taking a certain section. This same afternoon Mrs. Pool and Mrs. Jordan selected twenty high school students to help with the survey in town. These twenty girls had volunteered to help and were told what they were to do.

Population Survey Info, 1956
Population Survey Info, 1956

Each driver of a card had two girls assigned to her and she was responsible for their work being complete in every detail. On October 9th we all met outside the high school and started to cover our town particular section of the town. Where no one was found at home, the drivers of the cars kept tract of it these persons were contacted later. For this work the drivers were responsible for this assignment and completed i before turning it over to Mrs. Jordan. This took the rest of that week and a bit more. however, every house was accounted for.

Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Nevitt, Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Larkin completed the fringe area. After this was done, Mr. Poole came up again and with the help of some of the students and a few of the ladies, we stared the break-down of the information gathered; about half of it was completed that afternoon. Later, Mrs. Nevitt and Mrs. Jordan finished this and it was turned over to Mr. Poole for final analysis.

Our Superintendent, Mr. Hans Olsen, and Mr. Vignor Fish were very cooperative. Also our newspaper editors and his wife were cooperative in the way of publicity. We felt this made it much easier to knock on doors and ask questions. Our thanks to them, and to the following girl for their help: Barbara Vern, Janice Cluphf, Judy Snyder, Elaine Skewis, Charlotte Palmer, Janice Scurlock, Deanne Lanning, Joan Rundell, Barbara Barnett, June Rock, Deanna Tunks, Donna Tunks, Terry Hall, Virginia White, Kathleen Tone, Sally Keevy, Judy Keevy, Delores Lyday and Juanita Woods.

Image courtesy of Pat Van Eaton.

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