Stradivarius Violin Found in the Dump (1970)

Caretaker finds violin at the dump, 1970
Caretaker finds violin at the dump, 1970

The dump isn’t usually a place to find treasures, but back in August, 1970, C. E. Julian found a Stradivarius amongst the garbage. The picture is taken from the Eatonville Dispatch.

Caption Reads: Eatonville Dump Caretaker, C.E. Julian, demonstrates a violin he found Sunday afternoon. Close inspection showed a label reading “Antonius Stradivarius Cremonesis Faciebat Anno 1760″. It appears the violin was constructed in 1760 by members of the Stradivarius family in Italy. Shirley Taylor of Eatonville (left) inspect the treasure.

Click on image to enlarge.

10 responses to “Stradivarius Violin Found in the Dump (1970)”

    • Yeah, I kind of doubt it too. Probably would have made bigger headlines later on. And he could have retired from his job.


  1. I have one. The lable in side show the same, and the date is 1737, and I think that Strdivarius die at 1737. Anybod can tel me samethig aboult it? It is possible to be a real Stradivarius? Thank you. Branco.


  2. My gradmothher believes her grandfather owned a Stradivarius, which, after he died, was sold to a pawn shop or a miscellaneous retail store in Columbia, Missouri by his wife. My grandmother herself plays the violin, and would love to find her family’s supposed Stradivarius, but it was around 1940 when it was sold and discovered to be a Stradivarius, so she and I are unsure how to go about it. Any helpful ideas?


    • You know, I don’t have any concrete ideas. I would probably start with folks who know violins better than I. I’m traveling now, but can check iwth someone who might at least help you get started when I return.


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