Tag: Caleb Badham

Paradise Valley, August 1898
Paradise Valley, August 1898

This photo of Paradise Valley was taken by an Eatonville family in August 1898. The mountain hasn’t changed much in the last 120 years, but not so back on lower ground. The Spanish-American War was taking place and Caleb Badham was naming his new soft drink — Pepsi-Cola.

“Built in 1917, the Paradise Inn is one of the oldest elevated mountain resorts in the nation and in 1987 was declared a National Historic Landmark. Over its ninety-some year history, the Paradise Inn has housed a number of famous guests, from Shirley Temple to President Harry S. Truman to the crown prince of Norway, proving that the lovely Paradise Valley landscape is truly fit for a king.” (www.threebearslodge.net)

Photo courtesy of Pat Van Eaton.

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