Gold mine at Wildcat Falls

Wildcat Falls Gold Mine - Mensik family
Wildcat Falls Gold Mine – Mensik family

I couldn’t uncover anything about a gold mine out at Wildcat Falls (behind the Eatonville Airport). If anyone has any information about this photo, let me know.

Whatever this gentleman is mining for, it’s a great shot. I like that his hate and coat are neatly folded off to the side. For all the work, I hope struck a little gold.

Photo courtesy of Pat Van Eaton and the Mensik family.

Click on image to enlarge.

16 responses to “Gold mine at Wildcat Falls”

  1. years ago when I was searching around up there (1983)the bank on the right hand side of the falls was a mine which went back quite a ways and at the end of the mine was pure coal I went up there a couple years ago and the dirt had fallen over the entrance of the mine ,I happen to be going there again tomorrow to get some pictures of the falls and search around,there was also two other mines on the way up to the falls also on the right and left side the one on the right side is caved in but you can see the timbers from the entance but the mine on the left side you can still go in …jeff


  2. The man in the picture is my great grandfather, Frank Mensik. He came to the United States about 1888 and settled first in Chicago, Illinois, then moved to Eatonville in the early 1890’s. He became a naturalized citizen and then helped other immigrants receive their citizenship. He and his wife, Mary Povlack Mensik, had 12 children. Their first child, Frank Jr., was just a baby when Frank Sr. first came to America and was left with family members. Frank Jr. came to America with his grandfather, Joseph Mensik, Joseph’s second wife, Anna, and their family in the early 1900’s. Frank Sr. owned Sun’s Rays Bakery in Eatonville, worked at the lumber mill, was a city councilman for a time, along with his mining. He died in Eatonville in 1935, just a bit more than a month after Mary. They are both buried in the Eatonville Cemetery.


      • Hello!

        I guess I was wondering about what Terry Larson said about that picture being his great grandfather. When I found Frank Mensik in the census records he was listed as a farmer, and his oldest sons were also listed as farmers. I wonder what a farmer is doing with a pick, appearing to be carrying out mining activities?

        Also, I’ve done some geological research and I just don’t see any evidence of gold producing areas in or around Eatonville.

        Is it possible Henry received gold himself as payment for goods, after all he seemed to run a supply business as more and more people came migrating into the area…which would also support the possibility that gold from other places found it’s way into Henry’s hands.


      • I couldn’t find that any gold ever came out of Eatonville–and that would definitely be one of the stories to be found in the local books. Because the tunnels do have coal in them, it wouldn’t be far fetched to think he got some to take back and use on the farm. (Gold Mine could be a humorous title.)


  3. I know of Four mines in Eatonville one on the lettle Mashell three on Lynch creek one right behind my uncles old place Bud Blancher


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